Ecouter en direct la Radio Témoignage

Ils l'ont vaincu à cause du sang de l'agneau et à cause de la parole de leur témoignage, et ils n'ont pas aimé leur vie jusqu'à craindre la mort.( Apocalypse 12,11)

Bhaly Glwa



Titre: Paka Deny

Everything great happening to you its a grace by God ; You're healthy, no more debt, no more sickness, you will made success on everything in your life, doctor say you cannot have any child but God say congrulation you're pregnant or you're fertile now. In the name of Jesus anything its possible and thats why we cannot DENY. Dont hesitated or its will be too late accept Jesus in your life let him grow in your heart and you'll full up of grace God do pretty things to me and i feel my happiness is unimaginable great and good is my God!!!

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